Monday, October 7, 2013

How I Make Flocking Powder


I always remember seeing this at Micheal’s but never knowing what I would do with it if I bought it. It wasn’t until I saw a tutorial on YouTube where it was used to make a fuzzy animal charm, that I saw the use for it. While it isn’t expensive to buy especially if you have coupons, an idea came to me on making my own, since all the craft stores I go to are a far away. Okay, so lets start.

What you need:

  • Scissors

  • Container or zip lock bag

  • Chenille Stems (Craft Pipe Cleaners)
Step 1: Cut the the edges of the furry part of the pipe cleaner



Step 2: It can get messy so place it into your bag or container after your done cutting the first stem


Step 3: Repeat until you get the amount you want.

Step 4: Is to have fun with it, you can use it for your nails, special occasion cards and even polymer clay or anything you can think of.

Note: There are easier methods of doing this like using yarn, stain fabric or ribbon  but I had the pipe cleaners sitting in my room for a year and decided it was time to do something with it.

♥♥♥♥ Thanks for reading, please leave a comment on the blog or if you have questions ask ♥♥♥♥

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the tut this will come in handy for me as this stuff can be very expensive at my local scrapbook store.
